How ehoa was founded
A coming together of two wāhine with a passion for uplifting māori knowledge and empowering people to live in tune with themselves through the environment
Where did ehoa come from?

Both Michele and Samantha had began connecting with maramataka on a personal level prior to the inception of ehoa. Through meeting it to better understand their bodies and how to shape their busy lives they both realised how important having a different world view of time and living life to what is prescribed in the west was and could impact people's wellbeing in a positive way.
Michele and Samantha met in 2020 where Michele reached out to Samantha to facilitate bilingual yoga and meditation practises for the awwa community to support their mental health through the covid lockdown's.
From here a working relationship and friendship began to form as both felt connected through a shared desire to improve the wellbeing and lifestyle of people through a deeper understanding of the environment.
One evening after her daughter mentioned a wellbeing app to her, Michele approached Samantha to begin creating what is now ehoa.
We hope you find comfort in the friend we have created to support you and your understanding of living life by your rules.