ehoa Research Project
"How does the integration of traditional Māori knowledge, as represented by the Maramataka, alongside contemporary digital tracking technologies in the ehoa application, contribute to understanding and supporting the health and wellness of Māori communities?"
"How does blending ancient Māori wisdom, such as the Maramataka, with cutting-edge digital tracking in the Ehoa app, enhance the overall health and well-being of communities?"
Meet ehoa
Our CEO's story

Our COO's story
Samantha created her personal relationship with the maramataka on the journey to healing her menstrual cycle and hormones. She began tracking her cycle alongside the moon and what she did throughout the month during each moon phase to see if she would notice any patterns in symptoms or pain come menstruation. Through tracking she is better equipped to know which moon phases are non negotiable rest days for her individual rhythms and how she needs to care for herself through the phases in order to find balance in her body.